Thursday, July 13, 2023
Volunteer Blitz: opportunities to work with LWVME

We're looking for dedicated volunteers that will help us educate and inform voters, boost our local guide to government, and inspire youth civic engagement. Pick one that suits your interests and strengths. We hope to hear from your soon!




Volunteer at Disability Pride 

Expected Time Commitment: 2 hours on Friday, July 21

Join us at Disability Pride! We’ll be tabling at Disability Rights Maine’s annual disability pride event on Friday, July 21st, from 11 AM – 3 PM at Mill Park in Augusta to register voters and chat about opportunities to get involved with the LWVME ahead of this November's election. We are looking for 1-2 volunteers to table from 11 AM – 1 PM. Email Lane at to sign up.



Ballot Question Workgroup

Expected Time Commitment: 1-2 hour(s) per week

Want to help coordinate our voter education and engagement work this fall? This year, getting out the vote means making sure everyone knows what’s going to be on their ballot and why it matters. Join this group of volunteers and leaders to help coordinate our efforts — from issue forums and voter guide coverage to print materials and PSAs, we have plenty of tactics at our disposal.

 If you'd like to be involved in that process, please email Evan at



Guide to Local Government Project

Expected Time Commitment: 1-2 hour(s) per week

While June was the month for most local elections (and many annual town meetings), the League’s local government programming is year-round! If you would like to educate and empower your fellow Mainers to better understand and get involved with local government, check out these volunteer opportunities:

Workshops: Sign up for the Local Government Workshop Facilitator Training on Thursday, July 20, at 5:30 PM. Learn how to facilitate LWVME's interactive, educational workshop on local government, which we offer to community groups across the state. It is designed to be a fun, flexible, and interactive workshop that: 1. provides some level-setting, foundational knowledge about how local government works (tailored to the specific community the workshop is being held in) and 2. empowers participants to take action in their community at the local government level. *As a facilitator, you can choose to volunteer for requests that fit your schedule or are in your area. New facilitators will have opportunities to shadow or co-facilitate with staff or other volunteers before facilitating workshops themselves.* Register here for the training.

Lesson Plans: Do you have curriculum development experience? Want to help Maine students learn about their local government? We are looking for a few volunteers to help us turn our Guide to Local Government in Maine into a set of middle and high school level lesson plans. This is a short-term volunteer project — we hope to have the lesson plans completed by mid to late August so we can share them with teachers before school starts.

 If you would like to help us create the guide to local government, email Lane Sturtevant at



Join the Youth Engagement Team

Expected Time Commitment: 1-2 hour(s) per month

Want to help young people learn about voting and government? Passionate about supporting our schools in teaching civic education? We are looking for 2-3 new memes to join our team!

This team works to support our youth internship program through communicating with schools and building resources. We meet monthly to organize our work and hear updates from project teams that focus on advocacy, resource development, outreach, and curriculum. 

 Read more about these working groups & fill out the form to join. Email for more information.