Friday, May 5, 2023


Want to submit a name of a stellar volunteer? Email their name, with their qualifications, to us at

Established to celebrate and honor the work of outstanding volunteers serving the League of Women Voters of Maine (LWVME), this award recognizes volunteers who go above and beyond to serve the League and the State of Maine through civic engagement. Awardees give their time and expertise to advance the League’s mission of strengthening American democracy through nonpartisan political participation, public education, and advocacy. 

Recipients of this award exemplify the highest standards of volunteerism and dedication to the League and to making democracy work for all. The award was established and first awarded in 2017 to Ann M. Luther who set a very high standard for commitment, accomplishment and vision in League work. Her efforts on behalf of the League demonstrate the value of outstanding volunteer work and the impact it can have, both on the League itself and on our communities, our state, and our nation. The LWVME is proud and grateful to have the recipients of this award among our ranks.

This award recognizes:

  • Exemplary service to the League of Women Voters of Maine and, by extension, the people of Maine
  • Exceptional leadership, inspiration and mentorship in carrying out the work of the League
  • Vision and dedication in helping the League work toward democracy for all
  • Impact and value through volunteer work both individually and in collaboration with other League members, allied organizations and community partners.

1. Award Recognition
The Ann M. Luther Award for Excellence in Volunteerism is awarded every two years at the LWVME Biennial Convention. The recipient will be introduced at Convention and acknowledged in The Voter (newsletter) published after Convention. If the recipient cannot attend the event, the acknowledgement and award will be mailed to them or presented at another appropriate time and venue. 

2. Eligibility 
All LWVME members are eligible for nomination. An individual may receive the award only once. Deceased volunteers may be nominated posthumously. Members who move out of state may receive the award at the Convention occurring after the move or within one year of moving to another state.

3. Length of Service 
Persons must have been with the organization for at least one year. 

4. Qualifications 
The nominee must exemplify the mission and values of the League of Women Voters of Maine through active service at the state or local level. The League of Women Voters of Maine is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. We never support or oppose any political party or candidate.

5. Nominations & Deadlines
Nominations may be made by any member in good standing of the League of Women Voters of Maine. Nominations are submitted to the President of the Board of LWVME. They may be submitted no sooner than January 1 of the award year and must be received by March 1 of the award year. Members who were nominated but not chosen in a previous year may be re-nominated.

6. Nomination Format & Criteria
All nominations must be submitted in written electronic format to the President of the Board. Include the following:

  • Name and contact information of nominator;
  • Name and contact information of nominee;
  • Offices and positions held by the nominee within the League;
  • A summary of the activities and accomplishments of the nominee;
  • A description of how the nominee’s work furthers the work, ideals, and mission of LWVME;
  • Examples of the nominee’s leadership, for example, how the nominee has inspired, mentored, or expanded opportunity for other volunteers for the League;
  • A statement of the nominee’s impact on the League, their community, and the State of Maine.

7. Selection
The LWVME Board of Directors chooses the recipient of the award. They will review all submissions for the award, discuss the nominees at the March board meeting and choose. Selections for the award are based on the achievements and dedication of the nominees, and the needs, mission, and priorities of the LWVME. All decisions are final.  

8. Notification
Nominators are notified whether or not their nominee has been chosen by May 1 of the award year. Unsuccessful nominees are not notified of their status. The award winner may be informed prior to the Convention at the sole discretion of the LWVME Board of Directors.