Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Lane Sturtevant

The League of Women Voters of Maine is pleased to share a newly created resource to empower Mainers to get involved in their local government: our nonpartisan Guide to Local Government in Maine. We're launching this resource digitally as a PDF that can be opened on a web browser (optimally in Chrome or Microsoft Edge), but we have plans to create a print version later this year.

About the Guide

Our Guide to Local Government in Maine is a how-to manual for Mainers who are looking to better understand how local governments make decisions and provide services for their communities and how they, as community members, can get involved. Alongside the guide, we are sharing a spreadsheet that we have compiled of municipalities across Maine and their forms of government for reference. We encourage you to share this resource widely! You can find these resources, and ongoing information about our local government work, at


Guide to Local Government in Maine

Published March 2023

We're pleased to share our nonpartisan resource to empower Mainers to get involved in their local government. We encourage you to view the guide in a web browser (optimally Chrome or Microsoft Edge). Alongside the guide, we are sharing a spreadsheet that we have compiled of municipalities across Maine and their forms of government for reference.


Get Involved 

This guide is a starting point for our efforts to inform Mainers about and engage them in local government. Beginning this summer, we plan to offer an interactive workshop on local government in Maine, which we will hold in several communities across the state throughout the summer and fall, and which community groups can request. The basic workshop on local government in Maine will be accompanied by modules that frame the information through specific subject areas like the environment, education, and the economy. Fill out this form to indicate your interest in hosting a future workshop on local government.


Tip Jar!

It takes us many hours to put together content that's accurate, informative, and looks nice! If you like this guide and any other publications that we publish, you could help us out by donating $1-5 to our virtual tip jar. Plus, these contributions will go towards printing paper copies of the local government guide later on this year.

If you have additional questions about the guide or our local government efforts, feel free to contact me at