Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The year is coming to a close. It's time to reflect. Without the help of our volunteers and local Leagues, we wouldn't be the powerhouse that we are today — the envy of state leagues across America. Thank you!

What will defending democracy look like in 2023? We'll need your help in the new year. 

Our advocacy committee has a lineup of possible bills that we'll work on. In the next Legislative session, we'll focus on National Popular Vote, expanding absentee ballot access, expanding Clean Elections, structural reform (like ranked choice voting), racial justice issues, and standing with the Wabanaki Alliance and their right to tribal sovereignty. If you like our advocacy work, consider donating $5 or more now

Beyond the Legislative session, we're working on the next Maine State of Democracy report, a ranked choice voting (RCV) guide so that towns have the tools at their fingertips if they want to adopt RCV, and a guide to local government so that Mainers understand how local change can happen. It takes many hours to see these projects come to fruition. Donate now to help us cover the costs of printing and distributing these materials. 

We have a lot in store for 2023:

  • Our birthday is February 14. Come celebrate with us at the State House for a day of advocacy and panel discussions. 
  • Our biennial Convention will be in May, the powerful moment for League members to come together and vote on the future of our organization. 
  • We'll wrap up two state League studies: proportional ranked choice voting and lowering the voting age to 16. But before the League can take action on these two issues, it's essential that members have an opportunity to be informed on that issue and reach broad agreement.
  • Maine will have elections! We'll provide quality, nonpartisan voter information on Vote411.org, host candidate forums, distribute the easy-to-read voter guide, and deploy our nonpartisan election observation program. 

This isn't the full list of our plans, but it's a start. We hope to see you in 2023 — we'll need you. In the meantime, we hope that you had a restful holiday, enjoyed the winter solstice, and look forward to the new year.