Monday, October 24, 2022
Jen Lancaster

The days are getting colder and shorter, but that just means Election Day is getting closer! We're about three weeks away from November 8. Here's what you should know this week.

Already voted? Tell us how it went.  

Voter Hotline: Text or call us with your voting and election questions: (207) 558-3333.

Explore Our Map: Absentee Ballot Dropbox Locations
Towns across Maine provide dropboxes that are secure and convenient. Don't feel like mailing or going inside the clerk's office to return your absentee ballot? Return your ballot via a dropbox. This also allows you to return your ballot outside of the clerk's office hours. 

Ready to explore our map? Once you're on the map, click on the magnifying glass to search for your town. From there, you'll discover whether or not your town has a dropbox and you'll find your clerk's office address, open hours, and contact information.
Explore the Map!

Can I track my absentee ballot? Absolutely! You can check the status of your ballot here. This allows you to see if your ballot made it back to your Town Clerk and was processed.  

**All ballots must be received by your Town Clerk by 8:00 pm on Election Day.**