Monday, October 17, 2022
Jen Lancaster

We're less than a month away from Election Day. We've mailed our nonpartisan election guide to 200 communities across Maine. features ballot information for 499 towns. Our local League chapters are hosting candidate forums. We have voter guides printed in 10 languages. Looks like we're getting our ??? in a row. 

But we still need your help. Since 2020, the League has deployed nonpartisan election observers to the polls. We have gaps covering certain regions in Maine. Do you have time to volunteer on Election Day? Fill out our quick interest form, and we'll follow up with trainings and a schedule that works for you.

Already voted? Tell us how it went.  

Voter Hotline: Text or call us with your voting and election questions: (207) 558-3333.

Absentee Ballots — Request + Track

Want to vote via absentee ballot? You can request it online, in person, by mail, and over the phone. But don’t procrastinate! If you’re not requesting in person, your ballot will need time to arrive by mail. And you’ll need time to mail it back to your clerk. Our advice? Go ahead and request your ballot online now.  

Is there a deadline to vote absentee? Yes! You can request a no-excuse absentee ballot by Thursday, November 3. But if you wait until this date, it'll be crunch time to fill out and return your ballot by Election Day. You can still vote via absentee ballot after 11/3, but you'll need to provide an excuse, such as an unexpected emergency which will prevent you from being able to vote on Election Day. 

Can I track my ballot? Absolutely! You can check the status of your ballot here. This allows you to see if your ballot made it back to your Town Clerk and was processed.  

**All ballots must be received by your Town Clerk by 8:00 pm on Election Day.**