Monday, September 12, 2022
Jen Lancaster

Election clerks deal with more frivolous requests than they used to. We were recently quoted in the Maine Monitor, speaking about the added stress clerks face in the era of rampant election misinformation. The "Big Lie" has been slow to trickle up into Maine, but it's here. We said: “You have to be much more prepared for any sort of eventuality these days. It’s a shame we seem to be losing some of that community spirit.” Read the full article here

The League works with clerks and voters to spread factual, quality election information. You can help by volunteering through our Neighbor to Neighbor program. We canvass through communities and inform about the upcoming election. Learn more about it below ?


Ranked Choice Voting: Confused about when or how you'll use RCV this upcoming election? Check out our quick guide here. Information is available in nine additional languages, too!

Announcing Maine’s first in-person Youth Voting Summit! High school student and college students, as well as young people out of school, are invited to join us and Secretary Bellows to launch the Maine Campus Voting Challenge, attend workshops to build civic leadership skills (relational organizing, group facilitation, movement building, citizen initiatives, building campus voting plans, etc.), and spend the day getting to know other young people from across Maine who are passionate about vote work!

Help make the Summit possible by becoming a sponsor! 

+ $200 pays one of our youth facilitators. 
+ $100 covers the travel stipend for a young person. 
+ $20 covers one young person's lunch. 

Own a business or know a community member who does? Learn about our business sponsor opportunities by clicking here

Interested Volunteers can fill out this form with their availability and interest. We are just starting to recruit for volunteers so all positions are open!