Monday, September 19, 2022
Jen Lancaster

Tomorrow, September 20, is National Voter Registration Day. The best way to celebrate is to check on your voter registration — have you moved recently? — and make a voting plan for the November 8 election. Are you voting absentee? Voting in person? If you're nerds like us, maybe you've already printed off a check-list.

Our upcoming list of events is stellar. We recommend that you scroll down and check out what's happening this week. See our full calendar here or see more below ?


Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Update: More candidates = more choice! We now have declared write-in candidates, and this list is public and available here. Write-in candidates have to file and be approved by the Secretary of State 60 days before the election. All Mainers will use RCV in the U.S. House race. Previously, it was not yet in effect for CD 1 because there were only two known candidates. It was already in effect for CD 2 with multiple candidates. 

The names of these write-in candidates won't appear on your ballot, but if you know you want to vote for them, there'll be space where you can write the candidate's name, then rank all the candidates in the order of your preference. If you don't want to rank the candidates, you don't have to! Just fill in the bubble next to your first choice. 
Voter Hotline: Hey Maine, got questions? The League is running an election assistance hotline to provide real-time information about voting and the election. Dial or text 207-558-3333 to reach a League member, and we'll provide the assistance you need. 

Our hotline wouldn’t be possible without the volunteers who help run it. Want to help out? Sign up to be a hotline responder! We're hosting a short training on Wednesday, September 28. Click Here to sign up. It’s an easy and rewarding way to help ensure Maine voters are able to cast their ballots.