Monday, August 22, 2022
Jen Lancaster

Towns across Maine will have an election on Tuesday, November 8, which means the League of Women Voters is prepping for the election season. To keep our members and community informed, we're launching a limited weekly series on election updates. It'll arrive in your inbox every Monday morning through November 7, and we promise to keep it short for easy reading.

Here are the most crucial things to know this week.



Request your absentee ballot: The online portal for requesting your absentee ballot for the November election is now open. If you want to vote via absentee, it's better to take care of it now rather than later. Don't procrastinate! Click here to get started

Need help? Check out our How to Vote in Maine portal. Information on how to vote with an absentee ballot is also available in the following languages:


Vote411 Research Volunteer Orientation
Hosted on Zoom.

Thursday, August 25
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
 Register Here

5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
 Register Here

This year, we're going to cover more races than ever in our online and print voter guides. This orientation focuses on how to gather the information we need and make sure it will be added to, with extra time scheduled for questions. If you've done Vote411 local research before, we'll be using the same basic process, but please feel free to come to an orientation if you want a refresher.