Thursday, September 1, 2022

Here's our next Volunteer Blitz with plenty of opportunities to work with the League. Summer's almost over, pumpkin spice products are making their annual appearance, and election season is quickly approaching. Let's do this! 



Voter Hotline: This year, the League will be running an election assistance hotline to provide information about voting and the election to the public. This hotline will be active from September up through Election Day and will provide voters with the in-state assistance and information needed to cast their ballots. We are looking for volunteers to help staff this hotline in advance of voters begging to cast ballots in October. We will conduct a training in late September. If you are interested in being involved, please email Will Hayward at

Vote411 Research: From select board races to the governorship, we've committed to making sure that every voter in Maine can easily find out what's on their ballot using our online voter guide at This ambitious undertaking is only possible because of the work of volunteer researchers in every corner of Maine, and there's still time to get involved. Look on our events page for an upcoming research volunteer orientation or email Evan to find out how to get started.

Youth Voting Summit: Help us spread the word about the Maine Youth Voting Summit coming up on September 30! Young people are invited to join us and Secretary Bellows to launch the Maine Campus Voting Challenge, attend workshops to build civic leadership skills, and spend your day getting to know other young people from across Maine who are passionate about vote work! 

The Youth Engagement Partners team supports our work with young people and ensures that we can reach youth across the state. Join the team!! They meet the first Thursday of each month from 8:30-10:00. A quick preview of some of their work: Writing the Civic Digest newsletter that is sent monthly to Maine educators to share civic engagement opportunities and resources! Help pack and distribute the First Time Voter Kits! Volunteers can sign up by emailing

Neighbor to Neighbor: This fall, we'll canvass in more Maine towns than ever before, meeting voters where they are in their communities. We'll knock on doors and talk to folks, hand them voter info materials, and register them to vote on the spot. Interested? How it works: Check out our event listings. Register for any that work best with your schedule. After you've signed up, we'll be in touch to make sure you're trained and ready to go and we'll assign a morning or afternoon three hour shift. 

Sign up to support our Fellows who are hosting voter registration events on their campuses across Maine. Right now we have a fellow at Southern Maine Community College and Kennebec Valley Community College, with ones soon to start at York Community College and University of Southern Maine. We'll be at the following events: 

  New Student Welcome BBQ  |  Wednesday, Sept 7  |  11:30-1:30
 Southern Maine Community College, Brunswick Campus
Our fellow lives at the South Portland campus and is still figuring transportation. Regardless if he's there, we'd like to table. Volunteers can sign up by emailing

  Voter Registration Day  |  Tuesday, Sept 20  |  10:00-2:00
 Kennebec Valley Community College, Fairfield, ME
Our fellow will be there when not in class. Extra volunteers needed. Volunteers can sign up by emailing  

The LWVME Voting Age Study team is looking for a few new members to volunteer! This study started back in March. Here's the original call for volunteers & study description and quick preview of some the tasks:

  • Helping with write an appendices of the countries who have lowered their voting age.
  • Writing Case studies from interviews or joining our interview teams!
  • Writing a bibliography from our library of articles.
  • Diving into a new research topic: Impact on Maine — If Maine were to implement this, what would state and municipal impacts be?

Volunteers can sign up by emailing