Friday, July 15, 2022

MCCE Action + League of Women Voters of Maine officially endorses the DISCLOSE Act. You can read our testimony here

Poll after poll has shown that Americans across the political spectrum support legislation to bring more transparency and accountability to politics. In Maine, voters in 2015 strongly supported a ballot initiative that increased disclosure requirements for state campaigns.

The current, out-of-balance system, wealthy special interests and big-money donors hold too much power, and they use political loopholes to hide their spending on lobbying, elections, and judicial confirmation hearings.

The Senate has the opportunity to take a significant step toward ensuring that special interests, corporations, billionaires, and foreign interests do not sway our elections and gain control over our government – by passing the DISCLOSE Act (S. 443). 

The DISCLOSE Act would stop anonymous spending in our elections by requiring entities trying to influence our elections to disclose their major political donors. It would increase transparency and accountability by requiring disclosure of major donors who underwrite advertisements supporting or attacking judicial nominees.

Contact Senator Angus King and Senator Susan Collins and urge them to support the DISCLOSE Act. Click here to learn more about the bill and for talking points. 

Calling our senators makes a difference!

Senator Angus King
(202) 224-5344

Senator Susan Collins
(202) 224-2523