Thursday, June 9, 2022
Jen Lancaster

Ah, yes. Summer in Maine. It's the season for beach time, food trucks, and fresh seafood. But why spend time eating a lobster roll when you can volunteer with the League? We have a full lineup of volunteer opportunities below. Spend half your day with us and then go grab that lobster roll. You deserve it. 

While we're at it, it's not too late to think about the fall. We welcome folks to think about hosting voter registration drives and candidate forums ahead of November's election. Local Leagues are already doing so much of this work. If you're interested, we can get you connected. Just RSVP to

Finally, here's your last chance to subscribe to this newsletter so that we won't spam you anymore than usual. If you'd like to sign up for this volunteer newsletter, just fill out the subscribe form and check "Volunteer Blitz." Your info will be updated from there. 


Speakers' Bureau: When there's a general election around the corner, folks always want to learn more about our electoral systems. You could help lead these engagements through our Speakers' Bureau, or our version of Ted Talks, but there are lots of possibilities. We're looking for people who want to hear about speaking opportunities and become a better public speaker. We'll provide the training and support. Plus, there's room for a volunteer leader to step up and help coordinate this program. Who doesn't love a snazzy leadership role? It'll look great on a resume — trust us. RSVP to


Tabling Opportunities: It's basically summer in Maine, which means festivals and fairs are about to be in full swing. There's no better way to do outreach than to go where people are...well, going. When the League tables, we generally talk to folks about how to vote and register new voters on the spot. We provide the tabling kits so all you have to bring is your sunhat and sunscreen. Interested? Here's our current lineup:

  World Refugee Day  |  Monday, June 20  |  4:30 - 7:00 PM
 Simard-Payne Park, Lewiston, ME 
This event celebrates Lewiston's expanding multiculturalism and horizons. They encourage community members and organizations to be part of this event and experience, and there's no better way to do that than through tabling. Want to table with us? RSVP to

 Monson Summerfest  |  Saturday, July 16 
 Monson, ME 
Monson is celebrating is 200th birthday this year, and the annual Summerfest will include the usual craft fair and fireworks. The Highlands Regional Chapter (formally the Piscataquis chapter) is planning to table and would welcome additional volunteers. RSVP to

 Skowhegan River Fest  | August 3-7
 Skowhegan, ME 
Designed to showcase the potential of the Kennebec River Gorge as the future home of the Skowhegan River Park, River Fest is Skowhegan's multi-day celebration of recreation and life on the Kennebec. Details about this event are still forthcoming, so we'll wait to pick the day to table. RSVP to

 Gray Wild Blueberry Festival  |  Saturday, August 13  |  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
 24 Main St, Gray, ME 
This community-wide event has grown over the years to become a family-friendly tradition for Maine residents & staycationers. The Festival’s mission is to promote local businesses, community & school groups, and the Town of Gray. This festival celebrates all things Maine — like blueberries! RSVP to