Thursday, May 12, 2022
Jen Lancaster

It's almost our favorite time of the year — election season. Maine has a primary election on Tuesday, June 14. 

As the summer approaches, we're gearing up to send trained observers to poll locations around the state. Our election observation pilot program launched in 2020, and now it's a staple League program. It gives us a good picture of what's going on around Maine on Election Day. 

As a nonpartisan election observer, you'll have the chance to travel and observe multiple poll locations, take pictures, and report back. Most of these reports are also tweeted live through the League's twitter account: @lwvme

If you're interested in volunteering, fill out our sign up form and sign up for the training on May 24. Once we get you registered as a volunteer, we'll sort out your Election Day assignments that work best with your schedule.