Sunday, May 8, 2022


Mother's Day is rooted in activism and pacifism.

It started in 1858 when Ann Jarvis organized “Mother’s Work Days” to improve sanitation and reduce deaths related to polluted water in her Appalachian community. She would spend her lifetime organizing to improve the lives of others.

In 1870, Julia Ward Howe appealed to the women of the world, calling for peace in response to the bloody wars of her time — the Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. As a suffragist and feminist, she believed women had a right to shape their government.

Both Ann Jarvis and Julia Ward Howe had their own visions of how to commemorate the contributions of women. However, it would be the daughter of Ann Jarvis who would lead the campaign to make Mother's Day a Federal holiday and succeed in 1914. 

Now, it is a time to thank the people in our lives who have raised and nurtured us. And we have just the way you can show them your love and appreciation: gift them a League membership! Like the origins of Mother's Day, our history is rooted in activism and civil disobedience. We spend our days fighting for the rights of voters.

Flowers are a nice touch, but why not fight for our democracy too? Gift memberships are only $25, grant them full access to the League community, and last a full year. 

♥ Give a Gift Membership ♥

Membership is open to people of all genders, backgrounds, and political beliefs who are age 16 or older, and who agree with our foundational principles.