Wednesday, May 4, 2022

We need your help. In 2021, the League of Women Voters of Maine announced Maine Students Vote (MSV) would join our growing community. MSV is an organization that's passionate about increasing access to the ballot booth for young and student voters. They're the fastest growing electorate, but Generation Z needs help getting the work done.

The League is proud to support the work of our partners at MSV, and that's why we're coming to our League community to uplift an important need: MSV needs to hire 10 fellows for the 2022-23 semesters. These students will focus on connecting young people across Maine, getting out the vote, and sharing relevant voting information. 

Be a part of this critical work. A contribution of $500, $200, $100, $50 or $25 will make a difference. Donate today!

Sure, we're asking for money — but those dollars will go directly toward student fellows who represent community colleges, rural campuses, and other underserved communities. The League believes in empowering young folk and paying a fair stipend. 

We've raised $3,450 to support a student fellow, but it doesn't come close to reaching our goal. $20,000 covers the entire term of organizing for 10 fellows. This money goes directly to the students who are the local experts on their campuses. 

Will you stand with us in ensuring youth access to voting? Your contribution helps us tear down barriers to voting access and create a system where all voices are heard. Donate now!

Now is the time to ensure that voting information is readily available to every young person, that barriers to voting are removed, and that young Mainers have the supportive community and skills they need to advocate for the issues they care about. Thank you for your continued support!