Monday, April 25, 2022
Jen Lancaster

There's been some drama-rama in the Maine Legislature. Originally the session was scheduled to conclude last Wednesday, April 20, but following some heated talks and pleas for extensions, the 130th Legislature will conclude with final chamber votes today, April 25. Cheers to a good run. 


Let's boost Clean Elections: This year's election cycle is now upon us, which means candidates will be running with public funding — or not. If you have a preferred candidate, consider making a $5 contribution to the Maine Clean Election Fund. The qualifying deadline was last Wednesday, April 20, but qualified candidates may still be seeking supplemental funds for the general election in November. Taking action like this helps to boost the Clean Elections program. Start here

What it Takes to Run Elections: Elections can't run without people. Hard-working public servants are behind the scenes helping to register voters, print ballots, train poll workers, and hundreds of other tasks that make up a smooth election day. In our latest webinar, we discussed what it’s like to run an election in Maine in 2022, what election officials need to be supported in their work, and how we can help. View it on YouTube here


Most of our priority bills have been signed into law or are heading in that direction! Here's the full recap from the last few months:

  •  Semi-open Primaries (LD 231): This bill was voted off the Special Appropriations Table, and it's one step closer to becoming law! The final vote in the Senate will be today.
  •  Municipal Ranked Choice Voting (LD 859):This bill would allow towns to adopt RCV for municipal elections. Signed into law!
  •  Access to Clean Drinking Water (LD 906): This bill would give Passamaquoddy Tribal Members access to clean drinking water. Signed into law!
  •  Election Transparency and Audits (LD 1155): Gov. Mills' change package to the supplemental budget includes the funding for this bill! The budget passed and has been signed into law.
  •  Equity in Policy Making (LD 1610): This bill is a critical step toward improving demographic analysis and data sharing in Maine government so that we can create equitable and evidence-based policy. It has been voted off the Special Appropriations Table and will get its final vote in the Senate today! 
  •  Tribal Sovereignty (LD 1626): Passed to be enacted in the House. Placed on the Special Appropriations Table awaiting final passage in the Senate. It did not have enough votes to withstand a veto, and the Governor apparently wants it to die on the table. It's not looking great.
  •  Money in politics — Municipal Campaign Finance (LD 1658): This bill requires candidates or PACs in towns with populations over 50,000 to submit campaign finance reports to the Ethics Commission instead of the municipal clerk. It got a disastrous $1 million fiscal note. Placed on the Special Appropriations Table pending final passage in the Senate. We're not too hopeful on this one.
  •  An Act To Protect Election Integrity (LD 1779): This bill will protect ballots after an election by ensuring they remain in the custody of our trusted election officials. Signed into law! 
  •  An Act to Protect Election Officials (LD 1821): This bill makes interfering with a public official performing an official function relating to a federal, state, or municipal election a Class D crime (misdemeanors), but they can be referred for prosecution to the Attorney General’s office. Signed into law!


Can Democracy Survive the Digital Age?

Democracy depends on the free flow of information. The internet has rapidly become the dominant source of information for many, and it is eroding the foundations of our democracy. Maintaining and defending democracy in this context requires public policy that addresses not only the technology and commercial interests but also institutional, sociological, and political considerations.

With so much at stake, it is urgent that the League undertake a study and develop policy positions that address this widening threat.

We're hosting several virtual sessions via Zoom to discuss this vital issue. Sign up for a day and time that fits your schedule. See the full lineup below.

Monday, April 25
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
  Register here

Tuesday, April 26
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
  Register here

Saturday, April 30
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
  Register here

Sunday, May 1
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  Register here