Monday, April 18, 2022
Jen Lancaster

The current session is scheduled to conclude this Wednesday, April 20. There'll be a flurry of activity at the State House this week, and some of us will be constantly refreshing our Twitter feeds. The biggest updates as we near the finish line are listed below, with a few Take Action items highlighted in yellow. We need your help getting these across the finish line, and we'll be on the edge of our seats until it happens. 


Deadline to File Federal Taxes is TODAY: If you waited this long to submit your taxes, we promise we're not judging you. Because it’s Patriots’ Day,  the deadline to submit your Maine taxes is tomorrow, April 19. Don't forget to check a box to designate $3 to the Maine Clean Election Fund on your Maine state tax form. Learn more here.

Let's boost Clean Elections: This year's election cycle is now upon us, which means candidates will be running with public funding — or not. If you have a preferred candidate, consider making a $5 contribution to the Maine Clean Election Fund so that they can qualify for Maine Clean Elections Act funding. The qualifying deadline is Wednesday, April 20. Taking action like this helps to boost the Clean Elections program. Start here


The biggest updates are listed below, with a few Take Action items highlighted in yellow. We need your help getting these across the finish line. Let's do this!

  • Semi-open Primaries (LD 231): We're not over the finish line yet on this one. The bill still isn't funded and is stuck on the Special Appropriations Table with just a few days left in this session. We can’t leave anything to chance. Now's the time to make sure LD 231 gets funded and signed into law. Click here to take action
  •  Access to Clean Drinking Water (LD 906): This bill would give Passamaquoddy Tribal Members access to clean drinking water. Passed to be enacted in both chambers and hoping for the Governor’s signature.
  • Equity in Policy Making (LD 1610): This bill is a critical step toward improving demographic analysis and data sharing in Maine government so that we can create equitable and evidence-based policy. This was given a fiscal note in the neighborhood of $500,000 per year. It was last passed to be enacted in the House and placed on the Special Appropriations Table. Like semi-open primaries, it needs to get funded before becoming law. Take action by emailing members of the Appropriations Committee and asking them to fund LD 1610!
  •  Tribal Sovereignty (LD 1626): Passed in first-round voting in both chambers with bipartisan support!


Our latest Op-ed: Let’s thank election workers by ensuring they have needed protection, training and resources

Election workers are essential workers who support our communities — like nurses, grocery store workers, letter carriers, and firefighters. They’re our friends, neighbors, and fellow community members — and our democracy depends on them. They work overtime to ensure that every eligible voter has a chance to participate and that every vote is counted accurately. 

Throughout the deadly pandemic, our municipal clerks and poll workers have put their health and safety on the line to ensure that the rest of us are able to cast our votes safely. We need to show our election workers that they are appreciated — and ensure they have the support and resources they need to do their jobs. Read more here

Press Hits: Village Soup (Midcoast)