Friday, April 15, 2022

Over the last few months, we've asked the League community to fill out our Take Action form for LD 231, the semi-open primaries bill. Thanks to your help, this bill passed the Legislature with bipartisan support! However, we're not over the finish line yet. The bill still isn't funded and is stuck on the special appropriations table with just a few days left in this session — scheduled to conclude on Wednesday, April 20. 

We can’t leave anything to chance. Now's the time to make sure LD 231 gets funded and signed into law. 

Please email (listed below) Senate President Troy Jackson, Senator Cathy Breen, Senate Chair of the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee, and Senator Donna Bailey, who also sits on the AFA Committee and ask these Senators to take LD 231 off of the special appropriations table. Your message can be as short and sweet as that. 

Don’t wait until tomorrow, please send your emails today. 
Senator Troy Jackson:
Senator Cathy Breen:
Senator Donna Bailey:

80% of Maine voters support semi-open primaries and increasing participation in our democracy, including the League of Women Voters of Maine. It's time for this commonsense legislation to be enacted now. If you want to see LD 231 pass the finish line, please email these Senators TODAY and ask them to take LD 231 off of the special appropriations table.

We're so close, and with your help, we'll get it signed into law.