Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Americans across race, place, and party believe in the freedom to decide for ourselves who represents us. In the face of a pandemic and heightened partisanship, Americans have still turned out to cast our ballots and to have our voices heard. Mainers especially turn out in record numbers, thanks to voter accessibility measures in place like same-day voter registration. 

Voting in elections is how we, the people, have a say in the decisions that impact our lives — from the jobs in our communities to the healthcare we have access to. Election workers are essential workers that support our communities, just like nurses, grocery store workers, letter carriers, and firefighters. 

Our democracy depends on them. Throughout the deadly pandemic, election workers have sacrificed their own health and safety so that we are able to cast our votes safely, and they work overtime to ensure that every vote is counted accurately.

Let's come together on April 12 to thank our election workers and to let them know how grateful we are that they respect our strong election laws and count every vote.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Thank your local election officials! We are encouraging Mainers to thank their local election officials in their towns. Tell your election officials how much you appreciate them. Consider showing your appreciation by delivering a thank you card for the office. If you would like to thank your local election official at their municipal office, sign up here; we’ll help coordinate if multiple people in your municipality sign up! 
  2. What does it take to run an election? Sign up for our Thank Election Heroes Day webinar to find out. We’ll discuss what it’s like to run an election in Maine in 2022, what election officials need to be supported in their work, and how we can help. We’ll be joined by local election officials, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, and Center For Tech and Civic Life Advocacy Director Keara Fenzel to discuss these important issues, answer your questions, and more.