Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The League actively works to protect the rights of voters and increase voter participation and engagement. It's why we've spent that last year championing the semi-open primaries bill — LD 231.

LD 231 would permit unenrolled voters to cast one ballot in the primary of their choice. Unenrolled voters currently make up 32% of Maine voters, and that percentage is continuing to grow.

The bill passed last year with bipartisan support, but before it can be signed into law and go into effect, it needs funding. The price tag is a one time cost of $200,000 to print more ballots. It's a small price to pay if it leads to increasing participation within our democracy. With your help, we can pass this important pro-democracy reform.

Together, we can make a difference:

Contact your legislators: Use this form to contact your legislators and urge them to fund semi-open primaries. It's quick. It's easy. It'll only take a few minutes.

ICYMI: Check out our recent Letter to the Editor about why semi-open primaries are worth the cost. LD 231 received strong bipartisan support, and the $200,932 cost for the next fiscal year is well worth it.