Monday, March 14, 2022
Jen Lancaster

A new League event just dropped that you won't want to miss. Like everyone else, we're a little tired of the tidal waves of misinformation flooding our news feeds. We held a workshop last month about combating the Big Lie. Now, we're hosting a second workshop on media literacy. Here's your raft — climb aboard as we navigate this complex topic together. Learn more + register here


One Month Left to File Your Taxes: When you are filling out your Maine tax forms, you can check a box to designate $3 to the Maine Clean Election Fund. This helps to finance the election campaigns of qualifying Clean Election candidates. The Clean Election check-off is on Line 1 of the Maine Income Tax form. It will NOT increase your tax bill, and it will NOT decrease your refund. Learn more here.


Last week got a little crazy. It was AFA week — that’s Appropriations and Financial Affairs — and we were watching the Supplemental Budget. A few of our priorities are NOT included. We're getting concerned, but luckily, you can help by contacting your legislators using our quick and easy take-action forms. In particular, we need LD 1155 (Election Transparency and Audits) to get funded. Tell your legislators that we need true and secure post-election audits in Maine. Click here to get started. Keep reading for updates on other priority bills:

  •  Municipal Ranked Choice Voting (LD 859): This bill would allow towns to adopt RCV for municipal elections. It got voted another divided report in committee.
  •  Election Transparency and Audits (LD 1155): This bill passed with a strong bipartisan majority in the first session, but it's currently not included in the Supplemental Budget. Now is the time to take action. We've made it quick and easy. Tell your legislators that we need true and secure post-election audits in Maine. Click here to get started.
  •  Tribal Sovereignty (LD 1626): Over 100 individuals, representing various organizations and the Wabanaki Alliance, lobbied at the State House last week. Despite wide-spread support from Mainers, the bill was tabled at the end of its work session.
  •  Money in politics — Municipal Campaign Finance (LD 1658): This bill requires candidates or PACs in towns with populations over 50,000 to submit campaign finance reports to the Ethics Commission instead of the municipal clerk. Passed in the House, but it’s got a big price tag. See Supplemental Budget above.
  •  An Act To Protect Election Integrity (LD 1779): This bill will protect ballots after an election by ensuring they remain in the custody of our trusted election officials. Passed in the House.


Need Some Good News? Last Week, We Saved the USPS

We won't dive into the controversies surrounding leadership in the USPS, but we're happy to report that the Postal Service Reform Act passed in the U.S. Senate last week. Its last stop will be the President's desk, where it'll be signed into law. 

What does the bill do? For years, the Postal Office has been forced to bankrupt itself thanks to a disastrous requirement to pre-fund retiree benefits. The bill repeals this, making sure that the USPS can get back on its feet and secure financial stability. It's great news for postal workers, past and present. 

As we navigate the third year of the pandemic, let's celebrate the fact that we just boosted and protected one of the most vital services in America. In a time when we rely on vote-by-mail and absentee voting more than ever, we're going to take this as a huge win. 
Should we lower the voting age to 16? Let's find out. Our first committee meeting for the Voting Age Study is on Tuesday, March 22 from 6:00-7:00 PM. Interested? Email questions or interest to