Monday, February 7, 2022
Jen Lancaster

In the last two years, you've likely encountered rampant misinformation across social media with claims of voter fraud and a stolen election. In order to combat harmful disinformation, we're arming ourselves with useful tips so that we can spread accurate, fact-based information about voting and election cycles. Sign up for our upcoming workshop on Fighting the Big Lie. 


Help Us Write a Guide to Local Government: Local governments make many crucial decisions that impact our everyday lives and future wellbeing, but often people don't know how to get involved. Help us with our new project of researching and writing a guide to local government in Maine. Interested? Learn more here and sign up for our info session. 

Check Yes for Clean Elections: When you are filling out your Maine tax forms, you can check a box to designate $3 to the Maine Clean Election Fund. This helps to finance the election campaigns of qualifying Clean Election candidates. The Clean Election check-off is on Line 1 of the Maine Income Tax form. It will NOT increase your tax bill, and it will NOT decrease your refund. Learn more here.


The short, second session of the Maine Legislature is 15 weeks long. We’re almost five weeks in, almost one-third of the way there. It seems longer. COVID means that public hearings and work sessions are being conducted remotely. Members rarely see each other in person. It’s a tough way to legislate. 

Among their biggest responsibilities this year will be passage of a Supplemental Budget. We’re looking forward to a preview of the Governor’s budget proposal in her State of the State address, to be delivered in person to a joint session on January 10. Her full budget proposal is expected to land shortly thereafter, and we are watching for funding to be included for election audits, semi-open primaries, and the Ethics Commission. Here's your fun fact for the day: Maine’s state government currently spends about $10 billion each year [source].

Meanwhile, we are also watching these important bills:

  • URGENT: The public hearing for the Indian Land Claims Settlement Act (LD 1626) is scheduled for Tuesday, February 15. Here's how you can help:
    • Step 1: Submit written testimony — Check out the Wabanaki Alliance's guide to writing testimony. They walk you through the process and provide guidance.
    • Step 2: Contact your representatives — Send an email, letting them know you have submitted testimony and urge them to support LD 1626. We've set up a quick and easy form that will look up your legislators and send the email for you.
  • Equal Rights Constitutional Amendment (LD 344): It must pass by a two-thirds vote in both houses in order to be sent to the voters for approval. As longtime supporters of the ERA, we’re hoping against hope that it will finally gain passage. It’s expected to come up for a vote during the February 10 in-person session.


Relaunching Our Most Critical Youth Outreach

How often have you heard people complaining about how young people don't vote? Sure, historically only 39% of them have — but in 2020 the nation saw a drastic change. Young people turned out to vote at unprecedented levels. Carrying this momentum forward into 2022 and future elections is essential. Millennials and Gen Z now represent the second largest portion of the electorate. Their voices matter. 

We must support youth in advocating for issues that matter to them and build a system that ensures that they have access to voting. Help us create that network. We're hosting a Launch Party for Maine Student Votes on February 9 at 4:00 PM, and we're thrilled that Maine's Secretary of State Shenna Bellows will be attending. Join us to hear more about how you can make a difference.