Friday, February 4, 2022
Allyson Gardner

How often have you heard people complaining about how young people don't vote? Sure, historically only 39% of them have — but in 2020 the nation saw a drastic change. Young people turned out to vote at unprecedented levels. Carrying this momentum forward into 2022's elections is essential. Millennials and Gen Z now represent the second largest portion of the electorate. Their voice matters.

Young adults are very aware of the challenges ahead, concerned about how they’ll contribute to the solutions and worried about their futures. We must support youth in advocating for issues that matter to them and build a system that ensures that they have access to voting. Help us create that network.

We're hosting a Launch Party next week, and we're thrilled that Maine's Secretary of State Shenna Bellows will be attending — hopefully you can join us too! Hear more about how you can make a difference on February 9th at 4:00 PM. 

We're working to ensure that youth across the state are excited to vote and have the support they need to make their voices heard in 2022. We'll see you at our Launch Party!