Saturday, November 13, 2021

Join the ranks of Mainers calling Senator Angus King and Senator Susan Collins and asking them to support the Freedom To Vote Act and the John Lewis Voter Protection Act.

The League of Women Voters supports the Freedom to Vote Act, a bill that protects and expands the right to vote, decreases the influence of money in politics, and curbs partisan gerrymandering. The Freedom to Vote Act protects and expands ballot access for millions of Americans, especially those who are often targeted by anti-voter laws — voters of color, voters with disabilities, formerly incarcerated voters, women voters, young voters, and elderly voters.

The John Lewis Voter Protection Act would restore many of the protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that were stripped out of the Act by recent Supreme Court Rulings.

A lot is at stake. Democracy itself is on the line — 19 states have recently passed 33 pieces of legislation that restrict the ability to conduct free and fair elections. On October 20th, in a 50-50 vote, the Senate was not able to end the filibuster on the FTVA and bring the 
matter to a vote. 

  • Senator King needs to hear from us so he knows we strongly support his position in favor of the bill and creating a carve out to the Senators filibuster rules so that outing rights can come to the Senate for a floor vote. 
  • Senator Collins needs to hear from us so she knows that her constituents feel strongly about this issue. 
  • President Biden needs to hear from us that securing voting rights is of paramount importance and he should use his influence to its full extent in order to make this bill law. 

Call now:

Ask our Maine senators to support the Freedom To Vote Act and the John Lewis Voter Protection Act.

Senator Angus King
(202) 224-5344

Senator Susan Collins
(202) 224-2523


Use this form below to email your Senators.

It only takes a few minutes! Urge them to support the new Senate bill, the Freedom to Vote Act. You can use the sample letter provided in this form or feel free to alter the letter to include your own statement.

Let us know what you hear back from your legislators!