Monday, October 11, 2021
Jen Lancaster

Today is Indigenous Peoples' Day. In 2019, Maine officially changed “Columbus Day” to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” — an overdue yet important milestone for our state. Now, it’s time to fully and authentically honor the Wabanaki Tribes by restoring their right to self-govern. 

Join the Wabanaki Alliance and partners for the Rally for Wabanaki Rights: A Virtual Rally for Indigenous Peoples' Day today, October 11 from 10 AM-12 PM. This event will be live-streamed through the Wabanaki Alliance Facebook Page. Click here to RSVP for the virtual Facebook Live event.



Lessons learned from Maine’s redistricting process: Ultimately, Maine should not be ashamed of its redistricting process, but it should not celebrate it as the pinnacle of democracy and representation either. By entrusting map drawing to politicians and limiting time for public feedback, there is a question as to how well the new district lines truly serve the public interest. As a state that avoids the worst of redistricting, we should continue to ask ourselves how we can do better. Read more from our op-ed published here is now live for the November 2 election. 
The database provides nonpartisan election information that you actually need. Find out what's on your ballot, where candidates stand on the issues, and more! 




RCV could become a reality in Westbrook: Westbrook voters have an important referendum question on their local ballot for the November 2 election. The question will ask them to vote on whether or not to implement Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for city elections. If the measure passes, the City Charter will be amended, and RCV will be used for Mayoral, City Council, and School Committee races. To help spread the word and register new voters, we're canvassing throughout Westbrook. See our events calendar.

Election observers needed for November 2: As November approaches, we're gearing up to send trained observers to elections around the state again. Our election observation pilot program just launched last year, but it was incredibly successful and gave us a good picture of what's going on around the state. If you're interested, please fill out this intake form. We'll get you trained and connected with the town clerks. If you have a few hours to spare on election day, you can be a part of the team, working together to create a clear picture of Maine's elections.