Monday, September 13, 2021
Jen Lancaster

This week, we're mostly excited for the potential arrival of new legislative/district maps. You can learn more about the redistricting process and how it affects your community during our webinar on Wednesday, Sept. 15. Also coming up is Constitution Day (September 17) to commemorate the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787.

We have several other big events this week, so check them all out down below.



Push for Sham Ballot Review Comes to Maine: Read more here. Election security is important, but there's a difference between real election security and the sham ballot reviews being promoted by some partisan factions to discredit legitimate election results. We support real election audits that are fully transparent and observable, with procedures established in advance, conducted in bipartisan teams, and that maintain the integrity of the voting machines and the ballots. None of these has been present in the sham proceedings being conducted in AZ, CO, PA, and WI. We’re not having it. As Rep. Nicole Grohoski said, “Public confidence in our elections is of the utmost importance and must be earned, not taken for granted.” That's why we support LD 1155 in the 130th Legislature, which will establish true, methodologically sound audits of Maine's already strong and transparent elections.

Redistricting Maps Could Arrive Next Week: The Apportionment Commission has a deadline in late September to submit a final proposed map to the Legislature. We've followed along and provided testimony. The process needs to be much more open and transparent. “One recurring piece of feedback we have received is that members of the public do not feel able to offer comment without maps to remark on,” we said in written testimony. Read more here. We’re hoping to see some map proposals this week.



Advocacy Community Call on September 28 at 6:00 PM: We're gearing up for the fall and the next part of the 130th Legislative session. Join our growing community and hear from League experts on the issues (money in politics, voting rights, and democracy reform) we're tackling next. RSVP here