Monday, August 9, 2021
Jen Lancaster

It may seem like all's quiet in Maine, but legislators are already thinking about bills for the next session in 2022. And so are we. Cloture is September 24 — that’s the deadline for submitting new bills to be considered in the second session next year. In the meantime, big things are happening at the federal level, such as the massive infrastructure packages that appear to be moving forward. We're still hoping and working for filibuster reform and passage of the For the People Act this summer. Just for fun, take the filibuster quiz to test your knowledge.



Ranked-choice voting (RCV) could come to Westbrook. It's good news. When the City Council considered the proposed charter amendment to allow RCV in local races, we offered comments at the public hearings. On August 2, the Council approved the proposed amendment, and residents will vote on RCV in the November 2 election. If the amendment passes, voters will use ranked-choice voting in mayoral, City Council, and school committee races. There have been four races in Westbrook in the last five years where a candidate for City Council or mayor won with less than 50% of the vote. RCV will make sure that winners represent the majority of voters and allow more voices to be heard.

Be part of the great legacy of American quilt-making and advocate for D.C. Statehood. Members of our sister League in D.C. have launched a  Quilts4DC Challenge. The summer challenge asks quilters everywhere to share their creativity and lift the message of full representation and voting rights — it's time for D.C. to become a state. Quilts must be completed and submitted online by September 30, 2021. To learn more, click here.



Upcoming tabling events. Volunteer with us for two- or three-hour shifts this summer. We're tabling to register voters and educate about our advocacy work. Next volunteer opportunity:

Acadian Festival in Madawaska 
Friday, August 13 and Saturday, August 14
Click here to sign up!