Monday, April 8, 2024
Jen Lancaster

It's Monday, April 8.

Needless to say, but last week's blizzard-like weather disrupted everything across Maine, including legislative work in Augusta. We're only 7 business days away from Statutory adjournment. Anyone else sitting on the edge of their seat and biting their nails? 

Here are your major updates from last week:

Heading to the Governor:

  • 🎉 Celebrate + take action LD 1578National Popular Vote: NPV was voted to be enacted in the Maine House and Senate! Next, the bill goes to the Governor's desk. Use this form to contact the Governor and ask her to officially sign LD 1578 into law. The Governor has 10 days from when bills are enacted to sign or veto them, or they become law without her signature.

Another public hearing:

  • LD 2283 — Extreme Risk Protection Order: This bill would permit family members to seek a court order to remove firearms if another family member is a risk to themselves or others. It had a public hearing last Friday, and the League testified in support, but due to the inclement weather, a second public hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 9 at 9:00 AM in the Judiciary Committee. It's not too late to submit testimony! See more details below under our "Take Action" section. 

Reported out of committee:

  • LD 2007 — Tribal sovereignty bill: This bill was pared down to mostly cover criminal jurisdictions and recognize the Penobscot Nation's authority to regulate their drinking water. It was reported out of committee as "ought to pass as amended," and later that same day was passed in the House. It was sent to the Senate where it was tabled as unfinished business. 

Not reported out of committee:
The following bills are awaiting final action in the Judiciary Committee before they are reported out and sent to the House and Senate. 

  • LD 2086 — Banning bump stocks: Bans the sale of bump stocks and other devices that increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic guns to the rate of fire of machine guns. 
  • LD 2224 — Governor's gun reform bill: Expands background checks for gun sales, adjusts Maine's extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws, and establishes an Injury and Violence Prevention Program.
  • LD 2238 — 72 waiting period: Those who purchase a new firearm have to wait 72 hours before they can receive it. 
Second chance:
Submit testimony on the new ERPO bill

The new ERPO bill, LD 2283, had a public hearing last Friday, but due to the inclement weather, a second public hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 9 at 9:00 AM in the Judiciary Committee. Testifying is an important way for the committee to know that Mainers care about gun safety reform, and here's a second chance. Just note that only individuals who were unable last Friday to deliver testimony in-person or remotely via Zoom are eligible to deliver testimony during the second public hearing. And due to the large number of people testifying, the committee has asked everyone to keep their remarks to two minutes or less. Click here to submit testimony online

Q. What is an ERPO law? ERPO laws, or an Extreme Risk Protection Order, are one way to prevent gun violence. These bills permit family members to seek a court order to remove firearms if another family member is a risk to themselves or others.

We're nominated for a Webby!

The League of Women Voters is pleased to announce that, our online voter database, is once again nominated for a Webby award. The Webby Awards are dubbed "the internet's highest honor" and Vote411 won in 2020. We're going to do it again in 2024. But we need your help! Luckily the way we win is by voting, and we're good at voting. Vote for Vote411 here. Voting is open until Thursday, April 18.

Vote for Vote411!