Monday, April 15, 2024
Jen Lancaster

It's Monday, April 15.

Legislators have been working incredibly long days in Augusta, and tensions are high with budget woes. Gun safety reform bills will move quickly — scroll down for an action alert from the Maine Gun Safety Coalition. The Legislature will adjourn in just a few days on Wednesday, April 17. This is the final countdown. 

Here are your updates from last week:

Almost law:

  • LD 1578National Popular Vote: NPV will likely become law by the end of the day, Monday 4/15, and Maine will officially join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. NPV goes into effect when states representing 270 electoral college votes sign on to the agreement. After today, the bill has been enacted into law in 17 states and Washington D.C. possessing 209 electoral votes. Only 61 more electoral votes to go!

Heading to the Governor:

  • LD 2007 — Tribal sovereignty bill: This bill was pared down to mostly cover criminal jurisdictions and recognize the Penobscot Nation's authority to regulate their drinking water. It was passed to be enacted in the House and Senate and now heads to the Governor's desk! The Governor has 10 days from when bills are enacted to sign or veto them, or they become law without her signature.

Passed in the Senate:
These bills have been reported out of committee. They were passed in the Senate on Friday evening and now go to the House.

  • LD 2086 — Banning bump stocks: Bans the sale of bump stocks and other devices that increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic guns to the rate of fire of machine guns.
  • LD 2224 — Governor's gun reform bill: Expands background checks for gun sales, adjusts Maine's extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws, and establishes an Injury and Violence Prevention Program.
  • LD 2238 — 72 waiting period: Those who purchase a new firearm have to wait 72 hours before they can receive it. 

Not reported out of committee:

  • LD 2283 — Extreme Risk Protection Order: This bill would permit family members to seek a court order to remove firearms if another family member is a risk to themselves or others. Due to the session ending soon, this bill should move quickly out of committee and then head to the chamber floors.
Show up in Augusta for Gun Safety Reform
The Maine Gun Safety Coalition is asking for Mainers to show up in Augusta for these final, critical days of the session. Legislators need to know that gun safety reform is important to our communities. The best way to do this is to come to the State House and have one-on-one conversations with legislators as they enter the House and Senate chambers. The goal is to have at least ten coalition members in attendance for each of the last days of the session, and they still need coverage. If you are able to attend, please sign up for a shift here!

If you're not able to make it to Augusta, you can still take action by emailing your legislator. Click here to get started. If you've already contacted your legislators, then share this link with 5 people in your network. 

Adopt a town with the League of Women Voters of Maine!

All you need to do is make sure that your adopted town's elections are covered in our online voter guide, is a nonpartisan resource that allows voters to look up information about their town, state, and federal races during every major election cycle. We try to be as comprehensive as possible, and by volunteering, you’re helping us to reach the goal of covering every Maine town. Learn more here:

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