Thursday, April 4, 2024
Following the shooting event in Lewiston last October, gun safety reform has been a top priority. Mainers want to prevent a future tragedy. The League of Women Voters of Maine has revamped our gun safety advocacy and joined the collective effort to pass meaningful reform this legislative session.

The Maine Legislature will adjourn on April 17, and before then, there's going to be a flurry of activity. There are several major bills concerning gun safety. What are those bills and what's their current status? The League is hosting a webinar tomorrow, Thursday, April 4 to update you on these bills that are being considered by Maine legislators. Click here to register now!
Current Status of Gun Safety Bills in Maine

Hosted on Zoom.

Thursday, April 4
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Register Here
You'll hear from legislators and national experts about the importance of the major gun safety bills and how you can take action. 
Rachel Talbot Ross, Speaker of the House; Anne Carney, Senator for District 29; Nacole Palmer, Executive Director for Maine Gun Safety Coalition 
Angela Ferrell-Zabala, Executive Director for Mom's Demand Action; Joe Platte, State Legislative Manager at Giffords
One way to take action now:
Submit testimony on the new ERPO bill

ERPO laws, or an Extreme Risk Protection Order, are one way to prevent gun violence. These bills permit family members to seek a court order to remove firearms if another family member is a risk to themselves or others. A new ERPO bill has been introduced in the Legislature and has a public hearing scheduled for Friday, April 5. Testifying is an important way for the committee to know that Mainers care about gun safety reform. You can submit written testimony online or you can deliver your testimony in-person at the State House. You can also deliver your testimony remotely via Zoom. Click here to submit testimony online