Friday, March 29, 2024
Jen Lancaster

The election cycle is here, and that means it's another year for candidates to participate in Maine's Clean Elections! For over 20 years, candidates have had a way to campaign without seeking donations from private or wealthy sources, giving them time to talk directly with their voters.

Around the corner are statewide primaries on June 11, and candidates are starting to reach out to their voters. To participate in Clean Elections, candidates have to demonstrate their grassroots support by collecting $5 qualifying contributions (60 for House, 75 for Senate), agree not to raise or spend private money, and submit their paperwork by April 22, 2024. 

If you know who's running in your district, and that includes races for State Senator and Representative, urge them to run a clean campaign! If you have a preferred candidate, consider making a $5 contribution so that they can qualify for the Maine Clean Elections Act.

Not sure where to start?
Here are some simple steps to help:

  1. If you're not sure who's running for your House and Senate district, see the current list of candidates here. If you're not sure what your House and Senate district numbers are, use this link to look them up. 
  2. Next, visit the Maine Ethic's Commission website to discover your candidates' financial type and whether or not they're running clean through the Maine Clean Elections Act (MCEA) or "traditionally" — not clean. Their profile may say "MCEA Pending" until they meet the April deadline and qualify.
  3. On the Eithc's Commission website, each candidate's profile will list their email address and/or phone number. Send them a quick message and urge them to run clean in 2024. It's important that candidates listen to their constituents, not big spenders and corporate donors. 
  4. If you have a preferred candidate and want to make a $5 qualifying contribution to their campaign, click here to get started.
With these simple steps, we can boost Clean Elections in 2024!
Don't forget to check it off: Tax season is almost over. While you're filling out your tax forms, you can do something quick and easy to help boost Clean Elections. On the Maine Income Tax Form, Line 1, you should check a box to designate $3 to the Maine Clean Election Fund. This helps to finance the election campaigns of qualifying Clean Election candidates. Learn more here.

*Note: the Clean Election check-off is on Line 1 of the Maine income tax form. It will NOT increase your tax bill, and it will NOT decrease your refund. Check Yes for Clean Elections.