Thursday, March 28, 2024
We're gearing up for the election seasons and ramping up our voter education efforts. Here are some ways that you can volunteer with the League — and volunteer from your couch. 

Sign up for a volunteer listing below ⬇️

Adopt a Town
Expected Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month during election season

Would you like to adopt a town for the League of Women Voters of Maine? By signing up for this project, you agree to help research local data that we can upload to our online database, This resource is nonpartisan and allows voters to look up information about their town, state, and federal races during every major election cycle. We try to be as comprehensive as possible, and by volunteering, you’re helping us to reach the goal of covering every Maine town. To learn more and to see our map of coverage, visit:

 Email Evan Murray at for more information.

Adopt a town!

Join the Voter Engagement Team
Expected Time Commitment: 3-4 hour(s) per month

From creating voter guides to knocking on doors to presenting workshops on local government, our volunteers work hard in many ways to make sure voters have the information they need. If you're interested in that work but not sure where you'd like to put your energy, or if you'd like to help the team that facilitates and coordinates this work across the state, the Voter Engagement Team meets every other Thursday at 10AM. Even if you can't make the meetings, the team has an email list for updates that you can use to keep up with what's going on. 

 Email Evan Murray at for more information.

Join the Voter Engagement Team

Youth Engagement
Expected Time Commitment: 1-2 hour(s) per week 

Here are two ways to help support our youth engagement team:

1.) Want to help register students to vote? We are looking for volunteers who want to work with their local high schools to share our resources and help organize registration events. 

2.) Are you interested in getting more young people involved with civics? Join our Youth Engagement Program Team! Read more about these working groups & fill out the form to join hereWe are in need of new volunteers to join our working groups: 

  • Advocacy
  • Resources Development 
  • Outreach
  • Curriculum 

 Email Allyson Gardner at for more information.

Help with youth engagement