Monday, March 18, 2024
Jen Lancaster

It's Monday, March 18.

The Legislature is expected to adjourn in less than a month on April 17, and there's still a mountain of work left to do. Let's get into it 👇


There are currently four major pieces of gun safety reform being considered by the Maine Legislature (listed below). Each of these bills had a work session this past week, where legislators sought to ask questions and gather as much information as possible about each issue. Three of the four bills will have another work session on Thursday, March 21, and legislators will workshop the legislation before voting it out of committee.

Updates from last week:

  • 🎉 LD 1578 — National Popular Vote (NPV): NPV has now passed its first round of votes with strong support in both the Maine House and Senate! This means we're one step closer to NPV becoming law. Next, it'll have another round of procedural votes in both chambers before it heads to the Governor's desk for her signature.
  • LD 2007 — Tribal Sovereignty: This bill has been pared down from full tribal sovereignty to just several crucial rights. The bill's amendment does three things: 1) It makes specific changes to the criminal jurisdiction provisions of the 1980 Maine Implementing Act and the Mi’kmaq Nation Restoration Act, 2) It recognizes the exclusive authority of the Penobscot Nation to regulate drinking water, and 3) It provides the Penobscot Nation with additional time to consider whether the tribe approves of provisions in an existing state law pertaining to criminal jurisdiction. LD 2007 has not yet been reported out of committee. We join tribal leaders in hoping this bill advances.
  • LD 2237 — Strengthening public safety: This bill expands resources for those experiencing a mental health crisis and establishing an Office of Violence Prevention to promote effective means to reduce gun violence. This bill passed with amendments unanimously last week out of the Health & Human Services Committee.

Thursday, March 21: 
The following bills have a work session scheduled for Thursday in the Judiciary Committee.

  • LD 2086 — Banning bump stocks: This bill's amendment bans the sale of bump stocks and other devices that increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic guns to the rate of fire of machine guns. The bill does not include banning assault weapons. 
  • LD 2224 — Governor's gun reform bill: This bill is a top priority. It includes an expansion of background checks for gun sales, strengthens Maine's extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws, and establishes an Injury and Violence Prevention Program at the Maine CDC. 
  • LD 2238 — 72 waiting period: Those who purchase a new firearm have to wait 72 hours before they can receive it.
Panel Discussion: Civic Engagement

Immigrant Welcome Center
(24 Preble St, Portland)

Thursday, March 21
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Register Here

Refreshments will be served,
and admission is free.

The Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center is teaming up with the League of Women Voters Maine, the Community Organizing Alliance, and Maine Votes/Maine Voices Network to host a community discussion centered around the ways young people can get more involved in civic life and make their voices heard. Leading the group will be a panel of local civic leaders, including Portland City Councilor Pious Ali, Portland’s JDEI Director Umaru Balde, and Portland City Councilor Victoria Pelletier. RSVP here.