Friday, March 1, 2024

New gun safety bills have dropped this week. These new bills will have their public hearings throughout next week. Public hearings are a crucial moment when people offer their opinion on the legislation. We need to show legislators that it's time to pass common sense gun reform in Maine. 

Need some help writing and submitting testimony? The Maine Gun Safety Coalition is hosting a Zoom training on Monday, March 4 at 5:00 PM. The training will prepare you to testify on the four bills listed below. Learn more and sign up here

Together, we can make a difference:
Testifying is an important way for the committee to know that Mainers care about gun safety reform. You can submit written testimony online or you can deliver your testimony in-person at the State House. You can also deliver your testimony remotely via Zoom.
Public hearing schedule:
The League will attend each of the public hearings below. Let us know if you also plan to attend! Email Allyson at
Monday, March 4
10:00 AM

Health & Human
Services Committee
LD 2237 — Strengthening public safety by expanding resources for those experiencing a mental health crisis and establishing an Office of Violence Prevention to promote effective means to reduce gun violence. Click here to submit testimony online.
Tuesday, March 5
11:30 AM

Judiciary Committee
LD 2086 (with amendment) — This bill's amendment bans the sale of bump stocks and other devices that increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic guns to the rate of fire of machine guns. The bill does not include banning assault weapons, but we'll continue to push on this issue. We encourage you to mention this in your testimony. Ask the committee: Why does this bill not also ban assault weapons? Click here to submit testimony online.
Thursday, March 7
11:30 AM

Judiciary Committee
LD 2224 — 🚨 This bill is the top priority. This is the Governor's bill that includes an expansion of background checks for gun sales, strengthens Maine's yellow-flag laws, and establishes an Injury and Violence Prevention Program at the Maine CDC. Click here to submit testimony online.

LD 2238 — Introduces a waiting period. Those who purchase a new firearm have to wait 72 hours before they can receive it. 
Quick testimony tips:
  • Your testimony doesn't have to be a long novel. It's better to write clearly about why you think the gun reform bills are important and need to be passed — and use your personal experience if applicable. 
  • Submit testimony via the Legislature's testimony submission portal. Just note that it's not required to submit testimony online if you plan to testify in-person, but be sure to bring several printed copies of your testimony for the committee members. 
  • When delivering your testimony, keep your remarks to 3 minutes or less. Spoken testimony also typically begins by addressing the chairs and committee. Introduce your name, the bill you're speaking about, and then you can read off your testimony.