Monday, March 4, 2024
Jen Lancaster

It's Monday, March 4.


This week is big — major. The National Popular Vote bill (LD 1578) could have its chamber votes as soon as tomorrow, March 5. This could be the big moment for NPV. Contact your legislators now and ask them to support LD 1578!

Additionally, new gun safety bills dropped last week and have public hearings scheduled over the next dew days. If you missed our action alert, you can read it here. A least a thousand people showed up at the State House in early January. It's expected that many will attend the public hearings this week as well, especially this Thursday, March 7. Good! We need to show up in large numbers, but also brace yourself for crowds if you plan to attend.


We mentioned that this week is going to be an incredibly busy one. Here are updates on the major pieces of legislation that we're following.

Monday, March 4:

  • LD 2237 — Strengthening public safety: Expanding resources for those experiencing a mental health crisis and establishing an Office of Violence Prevention to promote effective means to reduce gun violence. It has a public hearing on Monday, March 4 in the Health & Human Services Committee.

Tuesday, March 5:

  • 🚨LD 1578 🚨— National Popular Vote (NPV): NPV has been been reported out of committee and could go to the full legislature for votes as soon as Tuesday, March 5. Contact your legislators now and ask them to support LD 1578!
  • LD 2086 — Banning bump stocks: This bill's amendment bans the sale of bump stocks and other devices that increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic guns to the rate of fire of machine guns. The bill does not include banning assault weapons, but we'll continue to push on this issue. We encourage you to mention this in your testimony or if you contact your legislator on this bill. It has a public hearing on Tuesday, March 5, in the Judiciary Committee.

Thursday, March 7:

  • LD 2224 — Governor's gun reform bill: This bill is the top priority. Includes an expansion of background checks for gun sales, strengthens Maine's yellow-flag laws, and establishes an Injury and Violence Prevention Program at the Maine CDC. It has a public hearing on Thursday, March 7 in the Judiciary Committee
  • LD 2238 — 72 waiting period: Those who purchase a new firearm have to wait 72 hours before they can receive it. It has a public hearing on Thursday, March 7, in the Judiciary Committee.

Updates from last week:

  • LD 2001 — Strengthen Wabanaki & African American Studies: This bill has been reworked to include pieces from LD 1642. This bill will establish an advisory council, provide professional development opportunities, and include resources to educators so that they can develop appropriate curricula for Maine schools. It's sailing through its House and Senate votes. It will head to the Special Appropriations Table next.
  • LD 2007 — Tribal Sovereignty: The League stands with Wabanaki communities and their claim to tribal sovereignty. LD 2007 had its public hearing last Monday and had over 600 pieces of testimony submitted to the committee. A work session has not yet been scheduled. 

Election Day is tomorrow! We're gearing up for Maine's first semi-open primaries. Unenrolled voters can vote in the primary of their choice. And for the first time Mainers will use Ranked Choice Voting in a presidential primary. 

Do you feel vote-ready? See what's on your ballot at