Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Enjoying this snowy day in Maine? ❄️ We're gearing up for the March election season and ramping up our voter education efforts. Here are some ways that you can volunteer with the League — and volunteer from a warm and cozy place (like your couch). 

Sign up for a volunteer listing below ⬇️

Adopt a Town
Expected Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month

Would you like to adopt a town for the League of Women Voters of Maine? 

All you need to do is make sure that your adopted town's elections are covered in our voter guide. When your town has an annual town meeting or municipal election coming up, you'll send us the information using a form a lot like this one. That's it. 

If you want to do more, of course you can! We have a Guide to Local Government and a workshop based on it that you could present, a Best Practices checklist for local government, and we'll train you to be a nonpartisan election observer for our Trust in Elections team. There are a ton of ways you can engage locally and we're happy to share resources and ideas. But all you're committing to is making sure your adopted town's elections are included in our voter guide at Vote411.org. 

 Email Evan Murray at evan@lwvme.org for more information.

Adopt a town!

Speakers' Bureau 2024
Expected Time Commitment: 1-2 hour(s) per month

In presidential years, we get a lot of requests for someone to come speak on subjects related to democracy, including basic voting rights, ranked-choice voting, how local governments work, and many other subjects. This year we'll be talking about semi-open primaries for sure. Our Speakers' Bureau is made up of people who volunteer to cover some of those presentations. Fill out this form to join the google group and get notices about upcoming presentation opportunities. Whether you're an experienced public speaker or someone who wants to take on a new challenge, we have room for you. We offer occasional workshops and peer support to our speakers to help build your confidence, too. Our volunteers are how we reach as many voters as possible across the state! 

 Email Evan Murray at evan@lwvme.org for more information.

Join the Speakers' Bureau

Help America Vote Day
Expected Time Commitment: 1-2 hour(s) per week 

January 30 is Help America Vote Day! Maine Students Vote, our youth programming team, is looking for volunteers to help table on college campuses across the state. During these events, we will be sharing information about semi-open primaries, teaching students how they can volunteer to support their local election offices, and of course, registering folks to vote! Sign up here to attend our training and support a campus near you.

 Email Allyson Gardner at allyson@lwvme.org for more information.

Join the Help American Vote Day
Youth Programs: A Year in Review
Hosted on Zoom

Monday, January 22, 2024
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Register Here

During this event, you will hear about the accomplishments of the Youth Council, the Youth Advocacy Team, the High School Internships, the College Fellowships, and the Youth Engagement Team. We will also share our goals for 2024 and ways that you can volunteer!