Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Jen Lancaster

It's Tuesday, December 19.

Our usual Monday newsletter is late due to yesterday's intense winds that knocked out power across Maine. We hope that everyone is staying safe and dry while the state recovers in the days ahead.

Here are your weekly updates 👇

The countdown is on. Enjoy the holiday season, because things will pick up with full force on January 3. The Legislature will be back in session, and legislators will continue their important work.

Important links:

Where do our bills go? The bills that the League works on appear before the State and Local Government (SLG) and Veterans and Legal Affairs (VLA) Committees. If you read Under the Dome often, you'll be familiar with the SLG and VLA acronyms. Would you like to see which legislators are on these committees? Check them out here: SLG and VLA.

Where can I see the bills? When you want to look up a bill, you can use this search feature. The League also provides bill tracking on our website, but only for bills specific to our priority areas. 

Gun Safety Day of Action
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Maine State House

Register Here
On January 3, Mainers from across the state will descend on the State House in Augusta to demand that our legislators pass strong gun safety legislation this year. The League is partnering with the Maine Gun Safety Coalition to organize this day. 
National Popular Vote

In the new year, legislators will consider a National Popular Vote (NPV) bill, LD 1578. Tell your legislator that you expect them to support and pass NPV. Contact your legislator now! Want to take further action? Sign up for one or both of our phonebanks on January 11 and January 18.
Unite America: Storytelling Series/Partner Spotlight on Democracy Maine, "Maine's trailblazing election reforms have given voters more power and improved representation." Written by Alana Persson, Digital Marketing Associate. Date: October 31, 2023
We're in the spotlight! 🌟 Unite America worked with us recently to write our story about trailblazing election reforms in Maine. We talked about Clean Elections, Ranked Choice Voting, the implementation of semi-open primaries in 2024, and more. Read the full story here