Monday, August 14, 2023
Jen Lancaster

Want to know how democracy-friendly your legislators are? You're in luck — the 2023 Legislative Scorecard is finally here! Go explore our interactive scorecard and map. This link will take you directly to your Maine legislators. 


Who Stood Up for Democracy?

In the 131st legislative session, we supported a number of priority bills that would improve Maine’s democracy. Our scorecard reflects seven of these bills. We ranked every Maine state senator and representative based on their support of these bills we deemed most important to election processes, accessibility, and fairness. That includes voting rights and campaign finance reform.


Explore the 2023 Legislative Scorecard


You can also see if your legislator uses Clean Elections funding, ensuring their accountability to the voting public and not big money.

*The information on this scorecard does not constitute endorsement of any individual legislator.*


Contact Your Legislators 

We encourage you to contact your legislators about their votes! Thank them, express your disappointment, or both.


Missed our legislative recaps? 

Below you’ll find a list of bills that were featured in Under the Dome this legislative session, but it’s not a comprehensive list. We followed over 120 pieces of legislation and testified on over half of those. For a full list of money in politics legislation, see our post-session recap from Maine Citizens for Clean Elections.