Saturday, January 21, 2023
Jen Lancaster

Today marks 13 years since the landmark decision in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission U.S. Supreme Court case. Since then, the rise of independent expenditures and lack of disclosure have created an ocean of dark money in politics.

But we're not here to exhaust you with the bad news. There's plenty of hopeful things to look forward to in Maine. Here's how we're working to keep money out of Maine politics in 2023:

Lunch & Learn: Fighting Big Money in Politics in 2023 
Hosted on Zoom. 

Thursday, February 2 
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM 

Register Here
Here's how we're fighting big money in politics. Come learn about our bills and see how you can help us take action! Maine Citizens for Clean Elections will work on expanding clean elections to district attorney and sheriff races, passing municipal disclosures, and true source disclosure.



Most Americans — and Mainers — agree that the influence of money in politics is threatening our democracy. In our latest op-ed published to the Portland Press Herald, we wrote about what we're doing to protect Maine voters and our commitment to protecting our democracy from dark money, special interest groups and foreign government interference through the Protect Maine Elections initiative.

Click here to read more


In the next Legislative session, we have four priorities:

  1. Expanding clean elections to county races. This is HUGE and EXCITING! The Maine Clean Elections program hasn't seen a change like this in years. Expanding clean elections to county races, including district attorney and sheriff races, will will ensure these important officials in our justice system won’t be influenced by their donors.
  2. Passing municipal disclosures. This would require anyone spending more than $5,000 in a local election to disclose that spending, like local referendum questions, to the Maine Ethics Commission. Big money shouldn't be able influence direct democracy in small towns. 
  3. True source disclosure. True source disclosure is the next level of true transparency: it helps the voter trace back the money to the source donor and/or corporation and not just a vague PAC name. 
  4. Protect Maine Elections. Ensuring that the referendum that would ban foreign governments from influencing our election is either passed outright by the legislature or at the ballot in November 2023.

We'll need your help in the new year. If you like our work, consider making a donation today. MCCE is at the forefront of these efforts. Thank you for supporting the government of, by, and for the people!